Saturday, September 15, 2012

Inspirational Quote

Run through the fat days.
Run despite whoever loves you or doesn't.
Run through regret and guilt.
Run through frustrations.
Run through loneliness.
Run through those blissful days.
Run despite your dysfunctional family.
Run through people drifting in and out of your life.
Run through your own fits of self doubt.

Because we are no longer those girls who thought constantly of their struggle to disappear.

I chose to grow healthy, to grow stronger, to be as alive as I possibly can. Who's with me?

My Inspirational Pic!

This is Kelsey Byers and she is my inspiration! :-) This link gives you her full story, but in short she implemented a strict workout and diet routine and accomplished her weight loss and fitness goals. She is so dedicated! She is a tall girl (like myself) but is able to pull off a toned, feminine strength about her. Definitely my fitness inspiration! :-)

Motivator - Color Run! :-D

My fiance and a few friends participated in the Color Run in Birmingham, Alabama on September 3rd. It was raining the whole time we were running, but we didn't care a bit! :-) It was one of the coolest experiences I've ever had! The energy was amazing! Everyone was all smiles as the rain poured down.  We didn't time ourselves, we just had fun and did the best we could. I really want to do the one coming to Tuscaloosa!
                    My fiancee and I at the end of it all...when it decided to stop!

                                                                   Team Skittles! :-)

                                                         The finish line color throw!

Introduction - My Goal and Plan

My name is Courtney Johnson and my goal is to be able to run a 5k again. I would love to get the time down to eight minutes a mile which would mean me running a between a 24-25 minute 5k. This will help me also accomplish my goal of losing some weight for my March 23, 2013 wedding! :-D
I plan to accomplish this by starting out with sprinting and walking. As time goes on I will make the walking portions shorter and shorter until I am running/jogging the whole distance. Then the last step will be to time myself and push harder to reach my time goal.