Friday, November 30, 2012

Surpassing Challenge 5 - Mile Run Take Two

I was able to improve my mile running time by almost a full minute from earlier in the semester. The 5ks that I have been running have definitely increased my  endurance and speed. I'm very excited about the progress!

Surpassing Challenge 4 - Crunch Test Take Two

During the second crunch test I could definitely tell that my abs have gotten stronger this semester. I was able to complete 103 crunches in 2 minutes which was an improvement of about 20 crunches from earlier in the semester.

Surpassing Challenge 3 - Run a 5k

This is a goal I have been working toward all semester, but I decided to add a twist to make it a surpassing challenge. I changed my route to a more hilly location to give myself an extra challenge. It was an even better leg workout and a good change of scenery. I now switch between this route and my old one.

Surpassing Challenge 2 - Give Up Soft Drinks For A Week

As a surpassing challenge, I decided to give up soft drinks for a week. It wasn't as bad as I thought, and I've actually decided since this challenge to limit my intake to three diet drinks or less a week.

Surpassing Challenge 1 - Three Random Acts Of Kindness

I heard someone in my aerobics class mention three random acts of kindness as their challenge to others. I thought this was a neat idea so I decided to use it as a surpassing challenge. As my three random acts of kindness:

1. I picked up some trash around my running route and threw it away.
2. Fed some hungry kitties outside (who I will continue to feed).
3. Adopting a Christmas angel to give some Christmas gifts this year. This is something I would like to continue doing every year.

Breakthrough 3 - Run Time & Frequency

I can now jog the whole 5k without having to walk! My time has improved depending on the day. It seems I'm getting in a better rhythm with the runs. I run 3 to 4 times a week now.


I love to eat salmon and veggies and I would call this meal my fuel to make it through a workout. It's not only tasty but also easy! I just put the salmon in tin foil, put some lemon and spices on it, then stick it in the oven. While that is cooking I steam some broccoli, carrots, and cauliflower to have with it. Great source for omega 3's!

Gym Time - YMCA

I chose to go with my Sister to a step aerobics/weights class at the Selma, Alabama YMCA. I was home for the weekend and was able to go with her to one of her favorite classes.

Challenge Others - Choice

I chose to take on the challenge of seeing how long I can hold a plank. I held it for 50 seconds.

Challenge Others - Wall Sit Hold

My challenge to others is to see how long you can hold a wall sit. I held mine for a minute and eight seconds.

Breakthrough 2

I began a diet with my workout plan and have lost 15 lbs! So glad to be on my way to my goal weight! :-)